The IMEXDOP CT+ PLUS Doppler system falls under the Obstetric Medical Device category and is primarily used in the Obstetrics and Gynecology field for fetal monitoring.

    Features and Benefits: Early and Late-Stage Fetal Monitoring: The system includes both 3 MHz and 2 MHz probes to provide precise, adaptable readings. The 3 MHz probe is optimized for early pregnancy, delivering clear heart rate detection for improved accuracy. The 2 MHz probe offers deeper signal penetration, enhancing monitoring capability in the later stages of pregnancy. Ease of Use: Lightweight and ergonomic design allows for easy handling during use, with minimal setup required.

  • DRAGER Vapor 2000 Sevoflurane Vaporizer

    Medical Category: Anesthesia Medical Field: Anesthesiology

    The Dräger VAPOR 2000 SERVOFLURANE is an anesthesia vaporizer specifically designed for use with halogenated anesthetic agents, providing precise delivery of anesthetic gases during surgical procedures.

    Features and Benefits: Accuracy: The vaporizer delivers accurate concentrations of sevoflurane, ensuring optimal patient sedation and safety. It features a unique flow rate compensation that adjusts to changes in fresh gas flow, maintaining consistent delivery of the anesthetic agent. Ease of Use: The user-friendly interface allows for quick adjustments and easy monitoring of vaporization levels, enhancing operational efficiency in the operating room. Reliability: Built with robust materials, the Dräger VAPOR 2000 is designed for durability and long-term use, minimizing downtime and maintenance needs.

  • Integrated Power Console (IPC) system with handpieces and foot pedal

    The Integrated Power Console (IPC) system with handpieces and foot pedal. IPC is a multispecialty surgical power console for removing soft tissue, hard tissue, and bone during ENT surgeries. From inferior turbinoplasties to complex skull base cases, the IPC platform can serve your full range of ENT surgery needs.